2022 Study of Collections Fellowship Report: The Unpublished Materials of Charles Clermont-Ganneau
Matthew Suriano 2022 summer research in London's British Museum
From biblical archaeology to queer theory, the Jewish studies program at the University of Maryland is a center for intellectual inquiry about Jews and Judaism.
A collection of studies in the philosophy of Moses Mendelssohn by the pre-eminent scholars in the field.
Edited By: Michah Gottlieb and Charles H. Manekin
ISBN: 978-1934309636
Party-Military Relations in a Pluralistic Society
Essays by leading scholars on the symbiotic relation ship between Jews and Muslims, including their history (past and present), social life, architecture, religion, music, and literature
Edited By: Bernard Cooperman and Zvi Zohar
ISBN: 9781934309322
A collection of essays in Biblical and ancient studies in honor of Adele Berlin
Edited By: Maxine L. Grossman
ISBN: 1934309486
Presents the archaeology, art, and history of the Middle East from 400800 C.E. including latest archaeology of Caesarea, the Persian invasion of Palestine, and the Early Islamic period.
Edited By: Kenneth G. Holum and Hayim Lapin
ISBN: 9781934309315
Essays include teaching at the university level, sociolinguistics, verbal morphology, teaching poetry, teaching grammar, and more.
Edited By: Avital Feuer, Sharon Armon-Lotem, Bernard Cooperman
ISBN: 9781934309216
Read More about Issues in the Acquisition and Teaching of Hebrew
23 essays covering 2000 years on archaeology and history, Kabbalah, language and culture, Anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust.
Edited By: Barbara Garvin and Bernard Cooperman
ISBN: 978193430916
Essays on how Jewish philosophers, both historical and modern, including Philo, Saadia Gaon, Ibn Tibbon, Spinoza, and Maimonides, have interpreted the Bible narrative.
Edited By: Charles Manekin and Robert Eisen
ISBN: 9781934309209