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From biblical archaeology to queer theory, the Jewish studies program at the University of Maryland is a center for intellectual inquiry about Jews and Judaism.

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"Jews in the Habsburg Successor States". in Legacies of thee Habsburg Monarchy in the Successor States: Ruptures and Continuities. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences.

"Jews in the Habsburg Successor States"

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Marsha L. Rozenblit
"Jews in the Habsburg Successor States"

The Dead Sea Sectarians: Breaking the Boundaries of an Essene-Shaped Space.

Dead Sea Sectarians

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Maxine Grossman
Dead Sea Sectarians

Misogyny. in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception.

Misogyny in Biblical Reception

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Maxine Grossman
Misogyny in Biblical Reception

Monogamy, Bigamy, Polygamy. in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception.

Monogamy, Bigamy, Polygamy in Biblical Reception

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Maxine Grossman
Monogamy, Bigamy, Polygamy in Biblical Reception

Pappus and Julianus, the Maccabaean Martyrs, and Rabbinic Martyrdom History in Late Antiquity. in Legal Engagement The reception of Roman Law and Tribunals by Jews and Other Inhabitants of the Empire. Rome: École française de Rome.

Maccabaean Martyrs, and Rabbinic Martyrdom

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Hayim Lapin

Maccabaean Martyrs, and Rabbinic Martyrdom

With Lehman, M. (2019). Introduction to the Theme: The Jerusalem Temple in History, Memory, and Ritual. AJS Review, 43(2), 265--269.

Introduction to the Theme: The Jerusalem Temple in History, Memory, and Ritual

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Hayim Lapin

Introduction to the Theme: The Jerusalem Temple in History, Memory, and Ritual

The Samaria Ostraca. in Bible Odyssey.

The Samaria Ostraca

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Matthew J. Suriano
The Samaria Ostraca

The Samaria Ostraca" and "Barley Ostracon. in Context of Scripture.

The Samaria Ostraca" and "Barley Ostracon"

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Matthew J. Suriano
The Samaria Ostraca" and "Barley Ostracon"

Giulio Busi, Edizioni ebraiche del XVI secolo nelle biblioteche dell'Emilia Romagna. in Medievalia et Humanistica.

Review: Giulio Busi, Edizioni ebraiche del XVI secolo nelle biblioteche dell'Emilia Romagna.

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Bernard D. Cooperman

Review: Giulio Busi, Edizioni ebraiche del XVI secolo nelle biblioteche dell'Emilia Romagna.

Feeding the Jerusalem Temple: Cult, Hinterland, and Economy in First-Century Palestine. Journal of Ancient Judaism, 8(3), 410--453.

Feeding the Jerusalem Temple

Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies

Author/Lead: Hayim Lapin
Feeding the Jerusalem Temple