Rachel Manekin

Professor Emerita, Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies
Rachel Manekin (PhD, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) works on the social, political, and cultural history of Galician Jewry. Her recent publications include: Religion, Politics and the Constitutional Monarchy: The Struggle Over the Control of the Jewish Communities in Galicia, 1848-1883. Jerusalem: Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 2015; “Moses Mendelssohn and Joseph II: The Galician Connection. In Essays on Mendelssohn. Eds. Michah Gottlieb and Charles H. Manekin. Bethesda, MD.: Maryland University Press, forthcoming. “Galician Haskalah and the Discourse of Schwärmerei.” In Secularism and its Discontents: The View from Jewish Studies. Eds. Ari Joskowicz and Ethan Katz. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, forthcoming.“The Galician Roots of Polish-Jewish Historiography.” In Between Coexistence and Divorce. Ed. Daniel Blatman, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, forthcoming. (Hebrew). “The Moral Education of Jewish Youth: The Case of Bne Zion.” In Man and Morals in Central Europe. SVEC: Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century. Eds. Ivo Cerman, Rita Krueger, and Susan Reynolds. Oxford: SVEC, 2011, 273-294. “The 1816 Herem in Lemberg – Maskilic Triumphalism and Jewish Historiography,” Zion 73 (2008); “Joseph Perl on Hok le-Yisra’el and the Spread of Hasidism,” Let the Old Make Way for the New: Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Eastern Europen Jewry Presented to Immanuel Etkes (Jerusalem, 2009); “Die hebräische und jiddische Presse in Galizien,” Die Habsburgermonarchie 1848-1918. Band VIII/2: Politische Öffentlichkeit und Zivilgesellschaft (Wien, 2006); and “Naftali Herz Homberg: the Man and the Myth,” Zion 71 (2006).
From Joseph II to Joseph Perl: Galician Haskalah and the Catholic Enlightenment. in In From Joseph Perl to Shmuel Yosef Agnon: The Haskalah Movement in Galicia. Jerusalem: Magnes Press.
Galician Haskalah and the Catholic Enlightenment
Author/Lead: Rachel ManekinGalician Haskalah and the Catholic Enlightenment
The Laws of Moses and the Laws of the Emperor: Austrian Marriage Laws and the Jews of Galicia. Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, 33, 325-260.
The Laws of Moses and the Laws of the Emperor
Author/Lead: Rachel ManekinThe Laws of Moses and the Laws of the Emperor
Review: Hasidism: A New History
Review of David Biale, David Asaf, et al
Author/Lead: Rachel ManekinReview of David Biale, David Asaf, et al
From Anna Kluger to Sarah Schenirer: Women's Education in Krakow and Its Discontents. JEWISH HISTORY, 33(1-2), 29-59.
Jewish Women's Education in Krakow and Its Discontents
Author/Lead: Rachel ManekinJewish Women's Education in Krakow and Its Discontents