2013-2014 Graduate Student And Faculty Fellowships, Scholarships And Awards
May 09, 2013

ARHU graduate students and faculty members receive fellowships, scholarships and awards.
Last Updated: 6/18/13
Every year ARHU graduate students and faculty members win scholarships, fellowships and awards. This year 39 students and 34 faculty members have been named recipients of these honors.
Student Recipients:
Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship information available here.
Dr. James W. Longest Memorial Award for Social Science Research information available here.
Dr. Michael J. Pelczar Award for Excellence in Graduate Study information available here.
Flagship Fellowship information available here.
Graduate All-S.T.A.R. Fellowship Program information available here.
Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship information available here.
Mabel S. Spencer Award for Excellence in Graduate Achievement information available here.
Phi Delta Gamma Graduate Fellowship information available here.
Ronald E. McNair Graduate Fellowship information available here.
University of Maryland Distinguished Dissertation Award information available here.
Faculty Recipients:
Creative and Performing Arts Award information available here.
Graduate Faculty Mentor of the Year Award information available here.
Outstanding Director of Graduate Studies Award information available here.
Research and Scholarship Semester Award information available here.
Research and Scholarship Summer Award information available here.
The Graduate School at the University of Maryland provides more information about these honors. Please visit their web site here.